Welcome to the KILI 28/8 Project!

On the 28/08/07 a group of fun loving Rotarians and Friends climbed the breathtaking Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania in Africa. The climbers are still raising urgent monies to assist in the relief of some desperate situations there for orphans in Africa. We welcome any persons interested in supporting us by calling John Glassford (02) 6927 6027. The situation in Africa needs immediate help please.

February 20, 2008

Total Raised now $78,187 Aussie $


We have reached $78,187 and with matching grants from Rotary International we will exceed the goal of $100,000!

CONGRATULATIONS to all the climbers, supporters and our warmest thanks to all of those people who gave to Kil 28/8.


Let us do it again: We now can plan for 2010!!!

The Mountains of the Moon await us now see:


Mountains of the Moon

Snow on the equator.

The high peaks on Mount Stanley in the Rwenzori Mountains (Mountains of the Moon). Off to the right of this photo is the highest peak, Margherita Peak.

The third highest peak in Africa at 5,109 metres.

The Mountains of the Moon.


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